IT’S the last day of a gruelling week and you’re not doing any work as a point of principle, but the day is crawling by. Try these timewasting tips to make the day go faster.
Get into an argument
It can be a colleague, it can be a client, or if nobody’s taking the bait in real life find some twat on the internet. Either way the initial row followed by hours of brooding about it and trying to get indifferent colleagues to back you up will mean it’s 5pm before you know it!
Go to see HR
You can make an appointment with HR at any time without specifying why, and they have to listen to whatever you tell them but they’re not allowed to tell anyone else. Get in there and make up some rumours about colleagues, or just have a good moan about Game of Thrones.
Write up everybody’s action points
Two months ago you were arbitrarily put in charge of taking notes at a meeting, including everyone’s action points. Nobody expected you to actually do it, so this afternoon send all attendees a detailed list of actions they promised to undertake but haven’t. Copy the boss in.
Have sexual fantasies about any colleagues you haven’t ‘done’ yet
Methodically go through all your colleagues you haven’t fantasised about yet and try to imagine an erotic scenario. As you’ve already done the attractive ones this will be quite a challenge and will fill the whole day.
Spend a few hours buying tickets online
As everyone knows, you don’t have to do any work if you’re buying tickets online. It’s just an unwritten office rule. If there’s no one you particularly want to see just have a massive browse. If you accidentally buy tickets for the Spice Girls, you can always just put them in the bin.