YOU’RE tapping away on your keyboard furiously before leaning back, hands behind head, with a self-satisfied smirk.
But are you the productivity champion of your office or have you simply sent one, single email? Take our quiz:
When did you last send an email?
A) A few minutes ago. Oh no, hang on, I just replied to one on my phone. About 50 seconds ago.
B) This morning. 11am. Three different recepients and an attachment. I know. Impressive.
How much of your To Do list did you cross off?
A) Everything. The secret is to break it down into achievable jobs then you don’t spend hours on one entry, then keep plugging away until it’s clear and you can go home.
B) Item one: send email. Blam. Crossed the motherfucker off. I can’t remember the other items. Probably weren’t important.
Are you pleased with what you achieved today?
A) I’m well into December’s work while simultaneously covering for a colleague who’s long-term sick, but it’s never enough, is it? I could always have done more.
B) Yeah. I mean did I not say about the email?
Mostly As – You are the unquestioned supreme monarch of the kingdom of productivity. Others should learn from your example but won’t, because it seems like hard work.
Mostly Bs – You have taken this test to avoid doing any actual work. Still you did send that email, so you deserve a break.