Thom Yorke attempt to talk woman off bridge 'could have ended better'

AFTER Jon Bon Jovi successfully prevented a suicide attempt on a bridge, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke has attempted to do likewise with slightly less positive results.

When the singer saw Charlotte Phelps standing precariously on the edge of a suspension bridge, he clambered over safety barriers and began talking to her, in a brave and selfless act that vastly increased her feelings of futility and alienation. 

Onlooker Martin Bishop said: “Thom began reassuring her that we all sometimes think the world is a dark and empty place, especially after listening to Kid A.

“He was illustrating his points with lyrics from songs like No Surprises and Just. You know, the one where the guy in the video lies down on the pavement in a catatonic state because he’s realised it doesn’t ultimately matter whether we live or die?

“The woman was nodding so I assumed Thom was getting through to her. Then she said, ‘Yes, death sounds good.’ Then she jumped off with a cheerful ‘Thanks, Thom. Good luck with the next album!’

“Thom did his best but in the end it was futile, like everything in life, which I know from listening to Radiohead. Are there any bridges round here, by the way?”

Phelps, who miraculously survived the fall with only two broken legs, 18 fractured ribs, severe concussion and a punctured lung, said she had since changed her mind about killing herself.

She said: “I’ve realised that in comparison to Thom I’m actually an annoyingly cheerful, relentlessly optimistic person. Poor guy.”

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Beloved dog would be annoying, needy attention-seeker if it was human

A DOG whose quirks are uncritically adored by its owners would be an absolute nightmare if it was a human being.

Spaniel Lucy, aged three, is believed by her family to be loyal, affectionate and cute in canine form, but would be the worst individual you had ever met if she was a person.

Owner Helen Archer said: “Isn’t she wonderful? When I’m at home she’s forever at my feet, making a sweet little whining sound, and if I sit down she immediately clambers into my lap and starts licking my face.

“If I turn my attention away from her for a single second she starts barking. And if we go for a walk and I stop to pet another dog she gets incredibly aggressive and tries to bite them and me. She’s so devoted, it’s incredible.

“Obviously, if she was a person and she acted like this I’d think she was desperate, insecure and toxic, and would never want to go for a coffee with her, let alone allow her to live in my house. 

“Especially if she pissed on the floor on a regular basis, like Lucy does.

“I guess the difference between Lucy the dog and Lucy the human is that the dog can’t talk. Being able to speak is what makes people unbearable.

“I might stop doing it and see if someone gives me free food every day.”