Mr Bump, and other zero-effort World Book Day costumes for parents who can't be arsed

SICK of finding costumes for World Book Day? Just wrap them in some toilet paper and say they’re Mr Bump. Try these too:

Harry Potter

Forget the wand, the glasses and the broomstick, if you simply Sharpie a lightning bolt onto your kid’s forehead the job is done.

Mr Bump

Dress them in blue and wrap them in toilet roll.  If they moan about Mr Men being for babies tell them they’re going as Tutankhamun. From a book about Tutankhamun.

The Boy In The Dress

Only works if they’re a boy. And very brave, even in these enlightened times.


Just hand them a book to take in. Make it meta by giving them a copy of Matilda.

Edward Cullen or Bella Swan

All this requires is some white face paint. Endlessly creeping about whispering in forests like the shit Twilight films is optional.

Severus Snape

Give them a stick to hold and dress them in black. A bin bag will do.

The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas

Just requires a pair of striped pyjamas. And nerves of steel. You’ll offend everyone and be kicked out of the P5 WhatsApp group by the end of the day.

Captain Underpants

So low effort they don’t even have to get fully dressed to go to school. The only drawback is that you might receive a visit from social services later in the day.

Patrick Bateman

He loved a shirt and tie. Just give their uniform an iron and send them in without their school jumper. A nail gun will add extra authenticity.

The Canterville Ghost

Ghosts are invisible, which means you can keep your child at home playing Fortnite so you don’t even have to leave the house.

VE Day anniversary to be f**king ironic