Do you look a twat for selling your second home last month?

OWNERS of second homes who hastily sold them in the belief that Rachel Reeves was planning to tax them have been left looking like total knobheads. 

The self-pitying wealthy, who sold off their holiday properties convinced it would save them tens of thousands, are bloody furious with the chancellor for ignoring their canny financial move and leaving capital gains tax on the sale of second homes untouched.

Denys Finch Hatton, who now has to book a hotel when he goes to Abersoch like a f**king tourist, said: “I’ve spent the last month boasting about how clever I was. Bollocks.

“Does Reeves not consider that when she decides her vindictive policies some of us are not just reading articles about how to avoid Labour’s tax grab in the Telegraph but actually acting on them?

“My employees ask what I’m doing at the weekend with barely disguised glee. My ‘Beside the Seaside’ group chat is openly exultant. I can’t even invest my money in shares because the evil cow’s taxing those.

“Bring back the Conservatives. Now there’s a party who’d take the country to the precipice of ruin rather than see those of us on six-figure incomes facing embarrassment.”

Reeves said: “Gotcha, suckers.”

I never expected Tory MPs to be horrible, outdated bigots. By Kemi Badenoch

SO fellow Tory MP Christopher Chope thinks I can’t be party leader because I have children? Frankly I am shocked to hear outdated, bigoted attitudes from a member of the Conservative Party.

My position is clear: I am fully supportive of the hateful views of Tory MPs, but not when they apply to me. This is not ‘hypocrisy’ or ‘double-standards’. It is jaw-dropping stupidity, because I am surprisingly thick.

I joined the Tory party out of naked self-interest – to advance my career, feel important and because I have a high opinion of myself not supported by the evidence. I don’t expect to face sexism, even when I’m encouraging the public to believe women on maternity leave are freeloading skivers. 

Moreover, the Tory party of the 21st century is inclusive, welcoming everyone except benefits subhumans, Marxist teachers, eco-zealot druggies, transgender cat-people, arrogant doctors, fat nurses, teenagers, renters, Doctor Who, union troublemakers, ‘disabled’ malingerers, Europeans, privileged autistic people, Muslims, cyclists and Muslims again for good measure.

Racism is not a problem in our party – none of our members are retired bigots obsessed with golliwogs – and the only prejudice I have faced is from the woke mob. They think it’s acceptable to call me an ‘idiot’ on Twitter, which I have no hesitation in describing as the worst racism since slavery, because I really do lack any awareness of how stupid I sound.

Even so, people say: ‘How can you be a Tory when they’re known for being sexist, racist and homophobic?’ The answer is simple: the only thing I genuinely care about is my own career, so if the Tories decided women should have the legal status of pets, I’d be 100 per cent behind it so long as I could be in charge.

What I don’t understand is why people keep sending me memes about the ‘Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party’. We’re not called the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party. We’re called the Conservative Party. I don’t get it at all. They must be on drugs.