DRIVING would be so much nicer if it wasn’t for all the total twats on the roads doing these things:
Not letting you out at a junction, especially when it’s the end of your own bloody street and you’ve been there ten f**king minutes.
Flashing to let you out at a junction when you don’t want to pull out just yet because you’re trying to change the CD, dickhead.
Thanking you for letting them out when you actually had to because they’d pushed into the middle of the road. It wasn’t out of the goodness of your heart.
Beeping at you if you don’t move the very picosecond the lights go green.
Beeping ever. Even if it’s not aimed at you, you’ll assume it is and spend the rest of the journey pissed off about whatever they think you did wrong.
Driving up your arsehole. That’s not going to make anyone go faster. If anything slower and if you both die in the resulting collision it’s their fault.
The driver in front of you who lets every man and his driving bloody dog out of the junction. What do you want, to be made mayor?
Everyone who used to hog the middle lane but on smart motorways now hogs the third lane, leaving the inner two fallow.
Bastards who drive at 40 in a 30 zone fooling you into going 40 but you get f**king flashed.
Non-indicating dickheads.
Boy racers who’ve pimped their exhausts to an illegal 100db, making up for the fact they have such a quiet penis.
Flashing you while up your arse on the motorway, because you’re only doing 80 and they need to hit a ton.
Flashing you to turn your lights on when it’s 3pm. We’re not in f**king Finland.
Sitting there changing the CD in their ancient heap of shit when there’s a rare gap in traffic, forcing you to beep and flash.
Being there getting in your way every day of the year because driving would be a treat if the roads weren’t packed with bellends. Parking would be a ballache though.