Things today's kids are learning from porn that are totally off your radar

YOUNGSTERS are learning disturbing sexual practices from online porn, according to the Children’s Commissioner for England. Here are some it’s never crossed your mind to try.

Verbal abuse

Presumably of the ‘bitch’ and ‘whore’ variety, not ‘specky four-eyes’ or ‘bender’. You’d hope even the dimmest child would work out for themselves that most women will find this weird and creepy, but there’s always going to be some dense bastard who tries to drink mercury in science.

Grabbing their throat

Even if a man doesn’t take mock strangulation to the next unwelcome level, he’s clearly got scary domination issues. Also, any normal-ish guy will be wondering: WHAT THE F**K DO YOU SAY AFTERWARDS? ‘Hope you were cool with me briefly turning into the Boston Strangler last night. D’you want some crunchy nut cornflakes?’ The mind boggles.


Visit Pornhub and you’ll be amazed by how many things you can do with spit. Although watching lesbians spitting on their own breasts is somewhat less compelling than even season 3 of The Mandalorian. But most spit-play is about humiliating women, quelle surprise. (You may notice a theme developing here.) Also, haven’t youngsters been taught that spitting is a filthy habit? You’re 45 and you still feel guilty about it, even if an insect has flown into your mouth.

Pissing on each other

For once this isn’t entirely directed at women, so to speak. However it would never have occurred to most men of your generation to be pissed on by their loved one. Questions abound – should you stock up on cleaning products? What happens when it goes cold? Brr.

Slapping (arse)

De rigueur in porn, but it’s unlikely either party gets much out of it. It’s not hardcore enough to thrill S&M types, but just weird enough to be remembered. If you’ve got a kink for your female partner’s mates having a good laugh at you next time they get pissed, go right ahead.

Slapping (face) 

In porn videos this is at least agreed in advance under whatever dubious forms of consent the industry ‘adheres’ to. In real life, most men are just eternally grateful to get a shag, so suddenly slapping their partner couldn’t be further from their mind. Clearly this is abnormal now, and in a few years date night will involve a meal and a romantic punch in the back of the head. 


Something of a misnomer, as it isn’t the variety where a male peasant gets mocked by other villagers in Ye Olden Times then drowns his cheating wyfe in the mill pond. It’s more ‘getting off on someone else having sex with your partner’. The only people who are into this are suburban swingers and professional footballers, and they’re a bunch of sick f**king perverts (the footballers, not the swingers).


Hentai is bloody everywhere on porn sites. Unrealistic expectations about sex don’t get much worse than somehow becoming a cartoon dragon and finding a cute female dragon who’s up for a threesome with one of her dragon friends. Good luck with that, kids.

Belching after six months: the relationship timetable for all your worst habits

NOBODY can lie forever, but new relationships are delicate. Follow this timetable to gently introduce your new love to the real, disgusting you: 

Two months in: rearranging

At this early stage in the relationships clothing is still selected for aesthetics rather than comfort, so inevitably adjustment is needed. After two months shifting your clackers to one side, retrieving thong from arse-crack or settling a boob back in becomes acceptable and even intimate.

Six months in: belching

You’re eating a lot of meals together, at her place or your place, you’ve weathered some ups and downs, and it’s time to admit you both burp. Discreetly and cutely behind a hand at first, openly and loudly after a few drinks. It’s fine, it’s not like it’s farting.

One year in: farting

If you’ve made it to a year, it’s time for the big guns. You’ve both suffered holding wind in, you know each other inside out, your sex life is already skipping weeks so why not? Make an occasion of it and go out for a fancy meal, kiss on the steps of the restaurant, then pull each others’ fingers and let rip.

18 months: Eating from the bin

You’re more or less living together now, so show off your sustainable green side by snacking on leftovers straight from the bin. A quick blow over the surface should refresh even a day-old half-eaten pizza slice. Justify your actions by explaining the five-second rule does not apply to the bin, as the food never touches the floor.

Three years: Pissing in the sink

If she’s spending too long removing make-up, why not? After eight cans of lager the sink is just a wide-mouthed urinal for the tall. Run hot water down afterwards and it’s clean as a whistle. Girlfriends will accept it unhappily because they’ve provably pissed in the shower.

Five years: Self-pleasure

Married by this point, or in posession of kids or at least a dog, you’re openly indulging in activities you hotly denied just four years earlier. Whether she finds his porn history or he stumbles across a carelessly discarded dildo, you’ve no secrets anymore. Frankly it’s their business, the repulsive belching, farting, bin-eating sink-pissing wanking twat.