YOU’RE supposed to be able to say anything to your partner, so how come they always lose their shit when you say things like these? Boyfriend Jack Browne puzzles over this conundrum.
Laying pipe
You’ve had the perfect date night together – frozen pizza while watching Braveheart, all washed down with a bottle of Buckfast. And yet when you innocently ask whether you’ve been ‘granted planning permission to lay some serious pipe’ suddenly that’s ‘disgusting’? Women are strange.
Wank bank
Your partner’s always badgering you to sit down and discuss your precarious financial situation. Well, the only bank you’re interested in making a withdrawal from is the wank bank! That witticism would go down a storm at the pub, but it only ever leads to your partner tearing up. Baffling.
How can such a joyous-sounding word result in you sleeping on the couch again? For something that sounds like it’s an avant-garde bass-playing technique, it certainly causes a massive fuss whenever you suggest it. They should decide whether they want you to stop being such a selfish lover or not. You can’t win with some people.
Ball and chain
What partner doesn’t love being referred to as a cumbersome metal orb that you’re permanently shackled to? It’s a term of endearment really. Honestly, it wasn’t that long ago – the 1970s – when they would’ve shrugged it off as amusing ‘banter’. But apparently the implication that you’re ruining someone’s life isn’t flattering nowadays. Bizarre.
Toss your salad
Despite constantly asking to spice things up in the bedroom, as soon as you suggest tossing their salad, they go berserk. So what if you said it in front of their parents – their dad was only angry because he thought his daughter might be going vegan. It would have been far worse if you’d said ‘anilingus’. Although he might have thought you were planning a weekend in Dublin.
As soon as you suggest engaging in a harmless spot of motorboating suddenly you’re lectured about ‘basic human dignity’, ‘self-respect’, and ‘sexual objectification’. If it was so bad, why would it have such a fun-sounding name? Maybe they’re the one missing the point? Yes, that will be it.