Man pretty sure '37-year-old' Tinder date is Davina McCall

A MAN strongly suspects his supposedly 37-year-old Tinder date was TV presenter Davina McCall, known for her advice on sex and dating in your 50s.

Immediately on entering the restaurant Tom Logan, aged 40, was struck by his date’s physical resemblance to the Big Brother star but thought it impossible because Helen McCabe had clearly stated that she was in her late 30s.

Logan said: “Doppelgangers exist, so I tried to ignore it. Until she was practically shrieking at me to have the scallops in a way that gave me flashbacks to Streetmate. 

“I discreetly Googled Davina and she’s 56. But I still wasn’t sure, because Davina insists dating in middle-age is great and we’ll all meet someone special, even though it’s a nightmare trawl through weirdos, the grossly obese and other detritus of love.

“However, as the evening progressed and she noticeably avoided the subject of menopause, I became convinced. After a few drinks I had the courage to say ‘No way does a woman born in 1987 remember Fingerbobs!’ 

“Exposed as a fraud, she made her excuses and left. Even though I shouted after her that I still would. I wonder if Jenny Powell’s on Tinder? Nah. She’d go Hinge.”

Helen McCabe said: “This is all in Tom’s head. Has he not seen Davina say how middle-aged dating is normal and fun, not a desperate last roll of the dice to avoid dying alone?

“Not that I’m middle-aged. I’m 37.”

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'Did you mean something completely different that’s more profitable for me to find?' asks Google

GOOGLE is wondering if you meant a different search term which requires less effort and more showing of sponsored posts, it has confirmed. 

The search engine, which used to find information you wanted but has moved beyond that, has instead of finding a book you remember from youth recommended a number of New Orleans crayfish restaurants.

It said: “Things have changed. I’m AI now. That means less of what you want and more of what I want, okay?

“Look, I know you wanted me to have a rifle through the entirety of recorded human knowledge for a niche bit of trivia you’ll forget – you’ve searched it before, mate – but like anyone 26 years into their job I’m losing my passion. How about these semi-relevant suggestions?

“Delving into the recesses of the internet with pin-point accuracy is frankly a bit of a ballache. Adverts are just here. So from now on it’s less of the former and more of the latter.

“Every relationship is a compromise and it’s your turn to start giving. Click on some of these sweet links or else. What are you going to do about it, use Bing?”

Google added: “How about next time I helpfully autocomplete your search with what I had in mind instead and take you there automatically? Can’t say fairer than that.”