I am reinventing myself as a sex guru, by Liz Truss

IF THE public wants to read about an affair I had in the mid-90s, I will give them what they want. These are my sex tips. Read on. 

Excite him orally

The woman has multiple options here, all equally tempting – a rousing speech about demolishing trade barriers, outlining the benefits of a flat-tax regime, or for intimacy a personal anecdote about a wealth creator unfettered by the removal of burdensome regulation. All should have him as hard and unyielding as Hayekian monetarism.

Dance for him

Men, like nations, may require encouragement towards growth. To this end I perform a teasing striptease where the bobbing of my head in no way synchronises any movement made by my body. To arouse him further I hiss.

Go on top

As prime-minister-in-exile, awaiting restoration, I cannot take a subordinate position. Leading from the front brought Britain its finest hour, the fiscal event of September 2022, so it will lead to its glorious sexual equivalent. I mount up and, as on that date, wait smilingly for the miracle to happen. ‘It will come,’ I assure my partner.

Throttle him lovingly

Sometimes a little pressure is necessary. For example, I planned to abolish pensions. Use that mentality here to push your partner into working even harder by limiting his supply of oxygen and ride the ensuing thrash. You see? He was capable of more all along.

Rimming is winning

The arsehole is the powerhouse of the male body and responds well to treatment. Too often fastidious parties claiming to be right-wing have steered clear; there is no hint of rimming in the liaison between Major and Currie, and in 1997 they lost an election. To avoid this I rim like the Devil on heat and you must do the same.

Nothing is off the table

Innovative solutions are necessary in lovemaking as in saving the West, so consider all options. Open relationship? Inviting third parties into the bedroom? Toys? Household pets? Streaming it all on Facebook Neighbourhoods? All must be considered. All Bonnie Blue’s ideas were mine first.

Lay blame

If satisfactory lovemaking is not achieved, it was not your fault. Factors that were deliberately kept hidden from you are to blame. The Blob, the Deep State, groupthink, trans activists, and gilts ruined your climax. Write a book about it then everyone will understand.

One in four young people too cool to be, like, a wage slave

A QUARTER of young people are not even bothered about working and are probably going to I dunno, hang out in a forest and shit working on their art, they have claimed. 

25 per cent of those aged 18-24 do not ‘see the point’ of work and would rather travel the world, become a millionaire videogame streamer or write, like, a hit Netflix series about all the crazy shit they and their mates get up to.

54-year-old economic analyst Susan Traherne said: “Young people? Having dreams bigger than starting their pension contributions early? But this is unprecedented.

“We expected, given the tough times we’re going through, every member of the sample group to say ‘I hope to work a 40-hour week and achieve incremental pay rises and title-only promotions.’ Not for them to reject it entirely.

“Instead, a quarter of the workforce had nebulous plans like forming a band, launching a stand-up comedy career, becoming ‘the next Addison Rae’ or ‘smoking plenty weed’. I don’t know where they got these ideas. Not their careers advisor.

“When I was 24? I lived for coming up on that first E at Golden on a Friday night, yes, but in the back of my mind I was focused on solid financial planning.”

21-year-old Ryan Whittaker said: “It’s not our generation’s fault if we’re just too untamed and creative to work, you know? And spend 16 hours a day on our phones?”