WHEN it comes to dating, men are a hardy bunch. Even these habits don’t put them off a potential love interest:
Hating you, your interests and your family
You’d think a man would be deterred from desiring a woman who despised everything about his life, but that’s not the case. Instead, the male psyche will rationalise this cavernous difference of opinion by telling themselves ‘opposites attract’ and that, as they haven’t got any other options, they should take what they can get.
Problematic opinions
If a woman drops a slur into conversation or expresses troubling political views, a man’s brain will simply choose to ignore it. That is until they conclude sexual intercourse, at which point all the weird shit she said will come flooding back and he’ll realise he just made a huge mistake.
Being utterly boring
Whereas women look for individuality, confidence and ambition in a partner, a man will overlook a total absence of personality by talking about themselves for the duration of a date. As long as a woman can nod, smile, and laugh at roughly the right time, a man will judge them to be wife material and start shopping for an engagement ring.
Poor hygiene
A woman could turn up to a date with unkempt hair, yellow teeth and a fuggy halo of body odour and not have to worry about it. A man will take these as signs that she’s easy-going and fall in love instantly. He’ll probably even feel comfortable enough to start breaking wind in front of her before they get to first base.
A complete lack of communication
The old adage ‘treat them mean, keep them keen’ doesn’t only apply to men rebuffing the advances of a female. Women can entice a man by ignoring him, wearing noise-cancelling headphones to block him out, and not saying a single word. It will never occur to him that she’s just not interested.