GUARDIAN and Daily Mail readers exchanged gifts in no man’s land during a rare moment of solidarity before going back to hating each other.
The two sides nervously approached each other in a park to swap gifts including a John Lewis pasta maker and Princess Diana memorial plate.
Guardian reader Martin Bishop said: “Finding out we both have a common enemy in an unelected puppet master who pulls the strings of power really brought us together.
“I don’t think they could quite follow my middle class cultural references so I descended to their level and called Cummings ‘elitist London scum’. That seemed to go down well.”
Mail reader Roy Hobbs said: “As I handed my collection of free World War II in Colour DVDs over to a limp-wristed Remoaner I realised we’re not really so different after all.
“Although what I’m meant to do with this spiralizer is beyond me.”