F**k: first flush of friend's toilet wasn’t enough

PANIC is rising as you will be forced to flush a toilet in someone else’s home for a second time, it has emerged.

The initial flush having failed to whisk away the entirety of your solid waste, it is looking increasingly likely that you will have to flush your friend’s toilet again and they will hear it.

Your inner monologue said: “It’s finally happened: the moment we greatly feared yet never prepared for. We may have clogged it. There may be an overflow.

“What are our options? A second flush is the obvious choice, but risks public ridicule. But it can’t be left looking like that. No friendship could survive knowing that your body produces these shapes, those odours.

“Has the cistern filled? Are we ready for another flush? Has my longer-than-usual absence been noted? Why don’t they teach you how to deal with emergencies like this in school?”

Friend and toilet owner Martin Bishop said: “Don’t worry, I’ve paused the film that our assembled friendship group were all watching until you get back. We’re just sitting here, patiently waiting in dead silence with no audible distractions.

“Actually, I should have warned you the pipes in this house are pretty old. Still work fine but make an awful banging noise whenever water is pumped through. It’s very audible and unmistakable.

“Come to think of it, you’ve been gone a while. I think we’ll head to the bathroom door en masse to ask if you need any help. That’ll make everything better.”

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They wouldn't let me queue-jump even though I have anxiety: A Gen-Z recounts the distress of attending a gig

GRACE Wood-Morris, a 17-year-old who attended a pretty average pop concert, tells the story as if it was her very own Battle of the Somme: 

“I was initially excited to attend a gig by one of my favourite pop stars off of TikTok. But I was unprepared for the awful reality of being in a space with other human beings.

“When Melanie Martinez announced she would be in the UK I knew this would be the defining moment of my entire life, and told my mum so. But now I don’t know how I’ll ever recover.

“Because of my anxiety and dyscalculia, self-diagnosed, I panic-bought six tickets. Luckily, I was able to sell five of them for good profit, which helps because I am literally not able to work because of school.

“The venue allowed people to queue from 4am, but because I have a sleep pattern imposed on me by my parents which is essentially colonialism, I overslept and only got there at 9am. Other people were ahead of me even though I’m a bigger fan.

“I explained my structural disadvantages to them and why I needed to be at the front but they looked at me like I was mad, which is totally ableist.

“When I finally got into the venue, there were people literally standing around really aggressively, not letting me move to the front. The worst part is they were adults. I don’t have proof, but I believe some were over 30 and should have their laptops seized.

“Even when I made it to the front, as a minor standing by to a woman taller than me I felt the whole situation wildly inappropriate and it shook me to the point I couldn’t remember the lyrics and looked as if I was not a real fan. I am considering legal action.

“If changes are not made in future, I will be boycotting. It’s all there on my TikTok so Ms Martinez has no excuse for not taking action.

“She has a duty of care to come out and condemn all the people who ruined my experience individually, and by name, before performing her next gig. She literally owes me that.”