Anyone who believes in Nordic secrets to happiness hasn't met anyone Nordic

IF YOU are foolish enough to believe there is a Nordic secret to happiness you have never spent time with the Nordic peoples, experts have asserted. 

Claims that the Nordic practice of ‘dugnadsånd’ is the key to a better, happier life have been dismissed by those who once spent five hours in a train carriage with a Norwegian and are yet to recover.

Jordan Gardner of Leeds said: “Bollocks to hygge and dugnadsånd. Get an hour north of Hamburg and they’re the gloomiest bastards you’ve ever met in your life.

“Why bleak, disconsolate, pessimistic heavy drinkers who even frequent group sex can’t cheer up are regularly marketed to us as happy folk I can’t imagine. Abba have got a lot to answer for.

“They live in countries where the weather is even worse than ours, where it’s colder, where they get four hours of daylight in winter and where there’s piss all to do once you’ve seen the Northern Lights. Which, after the first couple of times, aren’t all that.

“And we think they’re happier? It’s like marketing ‘The Londoner’s Secret to Smiling All The Time’ to the residents of Seville. Zero credibility.”

Sven-Ove Nilsson of Stockholm said: “I contemplate ending my own life whenever the tram is late. But I suppose I am blonde.”

Basic woman only likes culture that's really good

AN UNORIGINAL woman only enjoys music, books and films that are enjoyable enough to be loved by millions, she has confirmed. 

The TV shows watched and holiday destinations visited by normcore 32-year-old Joanna Kramer are all painfully obvious choices united only by the fact they are widely accepted as excellent.

She said: “It wins me no cool points that my favourite artist is Taylor Swift or my favourite film Bridget Jones’s Diary, but they are good. That’s why I like them.

“And while I recognise I might seem more interesting if I was into the films of Jim Jarmusch or regularly attended open mic poetry slams in pub basements, I tend to avoid those things because when it comes down to it they’re shit.

“My favourite show is Friends. You know, that sitcom beloved by multiple generations and is still funny after all this time. And yes, I drink water out of a Stanley cup. Have you seen how much water those bad boys hold?

“When I go abroad it’s Venice or Paris or the white sand beaches of Majorca, all of which are f**king ace. And I take a Richard Osman book with me because they’re easy to read with a compelling mystery. And I have a brilliant time.”

Friend Donna Sheridan, who after much effort once managed to enjoy a Tracey Emin installation, said: “Joanna once dragged me to a Coldplay gig. It pains me to say they put on an incredible show.”