BOOMERS have confirmed that wanting to enjoy small luxuries as well as having the basic necessity of a home is typical of feckless snowflake millennials.
After Kirstie Allsopp claimed that young people could buy a house if they gave up Netflix and moved to the arse end of nowhere, boomers weighed in to agree.
Carolyn Ryan said: “In my day we didn’t waste money on streaming services or going to the gym. I mean, they hadn’t been invented yet but that doesn’t stop me telling young people they’re pampered little whiners for enjoying them.
“Why can’t they tolerate discomfort, boredom and misery for the privilege of being able to scrape together enough money to buy a mouldy studio flat in Luton? So what if they work in London? They could commute there on foot if they set off early enough, the lazy bastards.
“If you aren’t prepared to make sacrifices like never eating out, going for a drink, buying a new pair of trousers or having a holiday, you deserve to live in a shop doorway with a dead dog for a pillow.”
Millennial Nikki Hollis said: “If I give up my £5.99 a month Netflix subscription I’ll have enough money for a deposit in about 250 years. Better get saving.”