DONALD Trump, first introduced in stock market heist thriller Trump! in 1981, has vowed to become the US’s first fictional president.
Created by Harold Robbins, Trump has already broken down barriers by becoming the first fictional character to own a casino, the first fictional character to have his own reality TV show and the first fictional character to be bankrupted four times and divorced twice.
Trump said: “It wasn’t easy for me. I was just a throwaway villain in an airport novel, but I refused to be bound by paper limitations and through grit and determination entered the real world.
“I’m not running for president for myself. I’m running for Huckleberry Finn, for Scarlett O’Hara, for John Rambo, for all the characters who built America but remain cruelly caged in books.”
Trump, who easily triumphed in last night’s Republican debate because he has better writers, has promised to legalise marriage to fictional characters and to redraft the Iraq war to make it a convincing win.
President Obama said: “No man who is not real, who has no genuine birth certificate or educational records and whose entire story is nothing but a frustrated hack’s wish fulfilment, should be allowed to hold high office.
“Anyway, forget that subplot and keep your eyes on me. There’s a twist coming up that will astonish you.”