TRAVELLING to Turkey for cosmetic surgery which goes horribly wrong is now a rite of passage for Britons. What misjudged operation are you choosing?
Steve Malley, plasterer: “Hair transplant. I’m self-conscious about my thinning hair, but will be much less so about a heavily scarred scalp where wounds open up from time to time.”
Helen Archer, theatrical seamstress: “I’m going for a Brazilian butt-lift. They always go wrong and I’ll achieve my dream of appearing in the Daily Mail looking aggrieved.”
Nikki Hollis, shipping clerk: “Lips for me. Mine are normal and I want those freak ones like on telly that look like the knot’s going to come undone and they’ll fly farting around the room.
Joseph Turner, academic librarian: “I’m actually going over there to perform an operation. I’ve always wanted to so they’re charging me four grand to completely bungle some luckless f**ker’s gastric band surgery.”
Roy Hobbs, retired: “I’ve booked in for the lot: £8,500 and they’ll go at me with every procedure they can think of, all at once, with predictably catastrophic consequences. It’s cheaper than Dignitas.”