Half of adults to be obese by 2050, unless a hero saves them with a depression and world war

MORE than 50 per cent of all adults will be obese by 2050, unless a visionary can engender a worldwide depression followed by global conflict. 

A looming obesity crisis can only be narrowly averted by a leader prepared to do everything possible to stop it, from depriving the world of food to boosting their fitness with regular local wars.

A softly-spoken source who wished to remain anonymous said: “I’ve lost weight bigly. And I want to help the world do the same.

“I figure by imposing tariffs and encouraging war I can put the entire planet on a diet and exercise plan that will make it lean, hungry and ready for a tough second half to the century. They tell me it’s when climate change kicks in. I believe we can get there sooner.

“Look at those bread lines in the Great Depression. Not a fatty among them. Look at those GIs storming the beach at Normandy. Cheekbones to die for.

“So yes, there will be less to eat. Yes, you’ll be working longer hours in a more physical job. Thank me when you see the results.”

He added: “How did I lose weight? Ozempic. But you’ll much prefer it the other way.”

New couple desperately wondering when they can stop doing everything together

A YOUNG couple who share every activity are each independently desperate to do stuff away from that other bastard for a change. 

Grace Wood-Morris and Jack Browne have been a couple for three months and are still compelled to spend every hour of every weekend together, regardless of its inconvenience.

She said: “I suppose I don’t want to admit things have changed, but I no longer feel spending 90 minutes in a freezing garage waiting room while he gets his MOT to be time well spent.

“It’s not like six weeks ago, when he’d happily come to my nail appointments. I think it means our love is more mature and we’re more secure in it, not just that watching him play five-a-side is boring as shit.

“We function as a perfect loving couple in every way, and I don’t want to upset Jack by saying occasionally I’d like to do my make-up without him caressing my face and telling me how beautiful I am.”

Browne said: “It was so great having lunch with Grace’s friends on Sunday, despite the powerful why-the-f**k-is-he-here-again vibe I undoubtedly felt.

“I’m going to Wickes for drain covers tonight. I said ‘you don’t have to come’ and for a moment felt the silence of her honesty, before she lied ‘of course I’ll come!’ and the charade continued for a day longer.”