Wetherspoon's Steak Club is over and with it, Britain

THE pub chain’s decision to scrap Steak Club means the country has no future other than decline and depopulation. 

After Steak Club was retired nationwide, the UK can expect the abdication of the King, the dissolution of parliament, the clearing of cities as Britons flee to foreign climes and finally the closing of our empty, defeated nation entirely.

Jim Bates, aged 56, said: “There ain’t no party like an S-Club party, and it happened every Tuesday.

“Without it – without that slab of seared meat dumped indifferently on your table by a 19-year-old who’s not speaking to the chef after a regrettable hook-up a fortnight ago – what’s left? Of Albion? Of who we once were?

“The last bastion of our nation is gone. The one place you could have taken Henry the Eighth if he was cast through time and searching for anything familiar he could call England, and for under a tenner with selected pints.

“What is there left of the country we once knew? Even watching Pointless becomes hollow. I’m retraining as a yak herder and moving to the Hindu Kush. I suggest you do the same.”

He added: “In retrospect, making the first two rules of Steak Club not talking about Steak Club was a mistake. What? They weren’t? Well f**k me.”

Wet Wet Wet, and other crap pop acts who've got no business making you feel middle-aged

YOU hated them at the time, and now you hate them even more for popping up all bloated and wrinkled and reminding you of your own mortality. You’ll skip these comebacks: 

Peter Andre, aged 52

When Mysterious Girl was a hit in 1996 you were young, out most nights, moderately sexually successful and, above all, contemptuous of Peter’s shitty music. Now he’s a living reminder that those days are gone for both of you though the central event of both of your very different lives was a girl with humongous norks.

Wet Wet Wet, aged 44 to 69

They couldn’t just go away. Decades after despising cloying, saccharine songs like Sweet Little Mystery, the band are still playing prestigious venues like Butlin’s. Marti Pellow’s gone and been replaced by a guy from Liberty X who has somehow still managed to be 44, but they remain the sound of a school disco where you couldn’t pull.

The Vengaboys, aged 46 to 50

The unwanted soundtrack to the late 90s while you listened to Lauryn Hill or Smashing Pumpkins. But a quarter of a century later the Vengaboys are still going, as if taunting you with a time when you stupidly believed the future held more than flatpack furniture and worrying about how many hairs you lose per shower.

Matt Goss, aged 56

Even worse than when they look old is when they don’t. Matt is currently on his ‘The Hits & More’ tour, reminding you of your principled, indie hatred of Bros, bringing back teenage memories of vomiting four cans of Skol into a flowerbed. And he’s still so much better looking than you that it doesn’t matter how much you know about The Cure.

Boyzlife, aged 44 and 50

A Frankensteinian abomination of sewn-together lumps of rotten flesh, Boyzlife are half-Boyzone half-Westlife, specifically Keith Duffy and Brian McFadden. Both bands were crap if you weren’t a 12-year-old girl in the 90s and Boyzlife only serve to remind you 25 years have passed since a time you still think of as relatively recent.

Tiffany, aged 53

It wasn’t that you abhorred winsome denim-clad 19-year-old Tiffany Darwish in 1987, and I Think We’re Alone Now is decent enough. It’s just that you hadn’t seen her since then and thought of her as unchanged, so seeing her somewhat more substantial frame now is like looking in a mirror for the first time in 38 years and realising what you’ve become.

Robbie Williams, aged 51

In your erudite opinion, Take That were crap and Robbie Williams’s solo career an annoyance. So why does he keep popping up, grey-haired, reminding you of the inexorable passage of time and your lost youth? Will you, in 30 years time, be hearing Angels at every other funeral? Yes. And you’ll be glad of the outing.