The only six ice-cream choices available to a child in the 1970s

TODAY’S kids, in addition to their bloody phones, can pick any f**king flavour ice-cream they want. When you were a child these were the options: 


To a generation, this was ice-cream. Bright yellow, simultaneously watery and oily, and in its soft-scoop version the invention of a young scientist named Margaret Thatcher, it tasted of nothing, was definingly bland, and was a top-echelon treat.


Pink version of above. The strawberry taste was sickly and disgusting but it was a sensation. You knew you’d had it. You’d boast about it at school.


Didn’t taste like chocolate but nothing chocolate-flavoured did back then. Drinking chocolate didn’t taste of chocolate. Chocolate biscuits didn’t taste of chocolate. Still, it was the right colour.


Vanilla and strawberry and chocolate, all in one tub? Astonishing and only for special occasions, like your parents’ anniversary or a neighbour’s divorce. Allowed you to confirm they were all essentially identical, and to mix them together for a sweet, grey post-war reward paste.

Raspberry ripple

Blew minds. There are grown adults still reeling at their first encounter of vanilla ice-cream shot through – in picturesque ripples – with deep, flavoursome raspberry. How? Why? Was Thatcher involved again? Does eating this make me a scab? But God help me I cannot stop.

Mint choc chip

Unavailable to the general public for decades, only sold through specialists, this was your mum’s ice-cream of choice. Green, sophisticated, containing real chocolate, as adult as smoking in bed, as luxurious as Imperial Leather soap. An After Eight in frozen form, you imagined Princess Margaret would have one, in a bath. Too raunchy for the Queen.

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You'd think I would have shut the f**k up, wouldn't you? By Russell Brand

‘ELLO mateys! You’d think I’d be keeping my head down after all that sexual predator malarkey, but rampant egomania don’t work like that! Here’s the truth as I see it: 


Blessed as we are by the scourge of Icarus, I purchased the frigid be-mangoed coolant known coquettishly as ‘Solero’. As I cogitated at length on the voluptuousness of this harlot, this Venus, this tuppenny whore of the freezer section, it melted and fell off the stick. ‘Not again,’ I verbalised.

Kamala Harris

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The obligatory conspiracy bullshit

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I weep for the mother goddess Gaia

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Zelenskyy continues his unprovoked and naughty attacks on peace-loving Russia, refusing to give back aggressively annexed territory, the cheeky so-and-so. But Starmer yet supports this warmongering Mussolini of the modern minute! How can anyone without excrement for a cerebellum hold a worldview so diametrically wrong?

The unsavoury allegations about your old mucker Russ

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How I’m learning to love MAGA

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