Taylor Swift does not represent us, says League of Spinsters

CHILDLESS cat-owning women have decried Taylor Swift as not representative of their wizened, child-scaring community. 

Hardcore crones, with as many as 16 feral felines in shadowy homes which they only leave to shout at the young, say they have been fighting for women’s bodily autonomy longer than any stripling of a 34-year-old.

86-year-old spinster Margaret Gerving said: “Well pardon me for having progressive views while cackling in a rocking chair. We can’t all have toned pins and sell out global stadium tours, you know.

“Swift barely has a wrinkle, has a mere three cats and far from being single and unwanted, she’s entertained a string of gentleman callers and is currently seeing a footballer. She doesn’t even know we prefer to be called crazy cat ladies.”

Susan Traherne, aged 90, agreed: “If I endorsed Kamala Harris it would carry some weight, what with my average weekly shop being 60 tins of Felix and a single loaf of bread. Those are heavyweight credentials.

“But her? Does her audience really care why she did this, or do they blindly like her Instagram post because she can belt out a tune in a skimpy outfit? I’m bitterly cynical by nature after my fiancé left me at the altar in 1954, but I’m inclined to believe the latter.”

She added: “I see Elon Musk has offered to impregnate her. He says the same to me every day. But when he’s in cat form.”

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Who won the presidential debate if one party spouted provably false bullshit throughout?

THE US presidential debate was a contest between a candidate who spent 90 minutes trying and failing to keep up with his own obvious lies, and another one. Who won? 

Claims about immigrants eating ducks: TRUMP

Kamala Harris may be vice-president and a former state prosecutor, but when it comes to having the inside information about a particular nationality in a particular small town developing a taste for domestic pets and waterfowl, she knew nothing. Trump had all the facts, even if the biased moderators said it was untrue.

Claims the Democrats back post-birth abortion: TRUMP

Post-birth abortion, otherwise known as murder, is one of the key issues of this election according to Trump’s speeches. And he hammered his opponent on this, backing her into a corner of asserting it is false and lunatic nonsense spread by those terminally detached from reality. Insulting the American people is never a good idea, honey.

Compassion toward Capitol attackers: TRUMP

Showing his caring, empathic side, Trump had nothing but sympathy for those who assaulted the US Capitol. By contrast, Kamala the cop treated them as though they were nothing but criminals trying to overthrow a democratic election, unable to let go, unable to forgive. The US deserves a leader who can move on.

Bringing peace to the world: TRUMP

Kamala’s geopolitical plans? War, war, war: war in Ukraine, war in Gaza, war everywhere. Trump, by contrast, came across as a man of peace who forges not enmity but friendship with dictators. In a gentle voice, while stroking a fluffy rabbit, he explained how a single phone call to Putin would stop the bloodshed at the cost of only territory.

Boasting about holding ‘the most incredible rallies in the history of politics’: TRUMP

Trump is a businessman. He knows numbers. He will have checked and double-checked, putting together accurate estimates of political events going back to ancient Sumeria, before making this statement. Even the moderators failed to challenge it, making it truer than the theory of gravity.

Not even bothering to offer the electorate one enjoyable lie: HARRIS

Kamala Harris – a politician, supposedly – stood on the debate stage and offered the country no falsehoods, no fun fabrications, not a single exaggerated tale about her own prowess and zero claims to be the greatest in history at anything. She will lose in November.