Schofield comeback scuppered by sex with younger volleyball

PHILLIP Schofield’s comeback on the Channel 5 show Cast Away has ended badly after an ‘inappropriate’ sexual relationship with a much younger volleyball.

The former This Morning presenter was to have shared his innermost thoughts while ‘stranded’ on an island off Madagascar, but instead spent his time having love trysts with a volleyball that had washed up on the shore.

A member of the production team said: “We thought it was funny when Phil drew a face on the volleyball and started talking to it, like in the film. Then we heard him say he could help it get a career in television. 

“He and ‘Wilson’ started going off into the trees together. Shortly afterwards the volleyball appeared somewhat deflated, due to Schofield making what I would reluctantly describe as ‘orifices’ in it.

“Then the relationship became openly sexual. There’s a big age gap between Phillip, who’s 62, and the volleyball, which was made in a factory last year, so a lot of the crew weren’t comfortable with that.

“Personally I think what people do in the bedroom is up to them, but I’m not sure viewers are ready for a man with a spunk-covered volleyball attached to his knob.”

While there is no suggestion that Schofield has done anything illegal, members of the public said they preferred This Morning segments such as making fishcakes with Clodagh to watching Phillip climax inside inanimate objects.

Donna Sheridan of Braintree said: “Gordon the Gopher must have been stiff as a board.”

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