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Things Trump says being reported as if they have meaning

RANDOM phrases that squirt out while Donald Trump is opening and closing his mouth are being reported as if they bear actual meaning. 

A slew of half-finished nonsense Trump said when asked if he would run for president if he lost the election – ‘No, I don’t. I think… that will be it. I don’t see that at all’ – has been reported by the BBC as news, despite the speaker’s mental condition and history.

Washington correspondent Joanna Kramer said: “He said some syllables. It was generally negative. If I pretend he had the slightest idea he knew what he was saying, I have a story.

“In reality the question surprised him and what he meant was ‘I will not lose this election, I cannot lose any election, why isn’t everyone nice to me all the time,’ ie the usual crap.

“Same as when he says there’s going to be a bloodbath. I hate to defend the twat, but that doesn’t mean anything. He’d just been up late watching Scarface the night before.

“We have to accept that when Trump says Kamala isn’t black or he hates Taylor Swift or ‘it depends’ if he accepts the election result, it’s all bullshit. They are empty, nothing words from a vainglorious charlatan and none of them means a f**king thing.”

She added: “While at the same time being a proven threat to US democracy and the safety of the free world. It’s always both at once with him.”