THE Royal Mail is to auction personalised postcodes to homeowners seeking to make their addresses more sexy.
The recently-privatised business has made postcodes like EDD13, 1 B055 and 5EX7 5EX7 available to bidders who want to really impress their postman.
A Royal Mail spokesman said: “How many times have you given your address out and been embarrassed by a postcode that resembles one of R2-D2’s unpopular mates?
In business, friendship and love youre judged on your postcode, and if you can make it almost spell out a word when you squint then youll have all the success you ever dreamed of.
The idea apparently came from Vince Cable, who noticed that hate mail from constituents still arrived at his house even with invented postcodes like TO5 5ER and NO8 3ND.
However Norman Steele of Norwich said: The problem is that this entire half of the street has the same postcode, and now our postcode is B16 D1X because of him at the end who drives the white Porsche Cayenne.
I wouldnt mind, but 6 doesnt even stand in for G very well so I have to keep explaining that it’s meant to be Big Dicks to visiting tradesmen.