EMPLOYERS can read personal emails by their staff out loud in meetings if they are particularly juicy, the European court has ruled.
Following a test case by a Romanian boss who took an employee to court to find out details of an inter-office threesome, all emails which pass a threshold of prurient interest can be used to enliven staff meetings and presentations to shareholders.
Hedge fund manager Norman Steele said: “My junior was sending, and receiving, emails about her husband’s gay affair with his yoga teacher that were clearly of great potential benefit to the company, but my hands were tied.
“Thanks to this ruling, I’ve already delighted the office with them, and I expect they’ll really motivate the boys on the sales floor next week.”
Marketing assistant Susan Traherne said: “I wasn’t aware that the gory details of my marriage break-up were legally an asset of my employer, or indeed that they were incredibly funny if you weren’t directly involved.
“Now I’ve been booked on an email reading tour of all our branches, sharing my most intimate secrets with more than 7,600 frontline retail workers. It’s better than sitting in front of a computer all day.”