CHILD abduction drama The Missing is a prequel to the next Narnia series, it has emerged.
Viewers had braced themselves for the sight of James Nesbitt weeping next to a tiny unmarked grave, only for his absent son to emerge from a cupboard with tales of talking animals and fauns.
Fan Nikki Hollis said: “I was ready for the darkest gloomfest, in fact I was perversely looking forward to that, when suddenly up pops the kid saying how he’d had an adventure in Narnia with an otter called Mr Pixit.
“Then to prove it he pulled out a magical crown that made a normal apple into a toffee apple.
“James Nesbitt was so relieved he didn’t even give him a bollocking.
“Not sure how I feel about it all really. It’s bold but when I watch the final episode of a crime drama I generally want it to put me on a massive downer for several days.”