THE nation’s undergraduates are unaware that they were supposed to be carefully tending to Neighbours, it has emerged.
Students are shocked and saddened to learn that the wellbeing of Australian soap Neighbours was their responsibility alone, and that Amazon’s decision to cancel the show is their burden to shoulder forever.
University of Leicester student James Bates said: “Shit. I was so busy being hungover in lectures I lost sight of my important duty.
“I thought middle-aged people who’d lost the remote were the target audience. Not young people burying themselves in debt for a qualification the job market no longer respects. My dad’s right, I’ve still got a lot to learn about how the real world works.”
Jack Browne from Bangor University said: “I wish someone could have told us. I thought my age group was supposed to be nurturing Squid Games and Stranger Things, not a soap opera my parents stopped watching even ironically in the Noughties.
“It’s too late for my generation, but maybe there’s hope for future students. Neighbours will have niche cult appeal now it’s been cancelled twice, and lobbying for its return will give them something new to protest about. Maybe this was Amazon’s plan all along?”
A spokesperson for Amazon said: “You’re over analysing it in typical student fashion. We shitcanned it because it was no longer profitable.”