F**k off with your shit 80s bonkbuster soft porn nostalgia, say young people

YOUNG people who never flicked through Jilly Cooper books for the dirty bits are entirely uninterested in their screen adaptation, they have confirmed. 

Generations who grew up without needing to go through their mum’s bookshelf for erotic stimulation have no interest in watching an eight-hour TV version of Rivals, even if it does star a former Doctor Who and the girl from The Inbetweeners. 

Hannah Tomlinson, aged 21, said: “I get it. You didn’t have the internet. Finding self-abuse material was like panning for gold.

“Consequently you’re nostalgic for the books which contained precious dirty bits and those lost-innocence summers strumming away to the literary works of Jilly Cooper, Shirley Conran or in extreme cases Pat Booth.

“But, and here’s the important bit, we’re not. Anyone who turned 16 later than 1994 had better wanking material. We couldn’t give a f**k for your tame little bonkbusters with their ratio of 50 boring pages per one shag scene.

“We’ll be just as uninterested when the 00s generation rises to media seniority and commissions a lavish ten-part adaptation of Nuts magazine.”

TV producer Helen Archer, aged 49, said: “If there’s a better ideas than spending tens of millions on my fond memories of teenage wanks, it’s not been pitched to me.”

Jesus had a big knob, Turin shroud reveals

JESUS Christ had a larger-than-average penis and insisted on shoehorning this fact into conversation, research into the Turin Shroud has proved.

Specialists brought in by the Vatican found the Lamb of God’s penis was seven-and-a-quarter inches long with a corresponding girth, which they believe explains why he was so keen on stripping off for baptisms.

Father Oliver O’Connor explained: “Most analysis of the shroud focuses on the face and stigmata, but enhanced radiocarbon imaging of the groin area shows the Messiah was packing some serious heat.

“As such he undoubtedly employed lame conversational gambits to broach the subject of his man meat, such as ‘It’s so difficult finding robes that are a loose fit in the crotch, isn’t it?’ The disciples were just too sick of his boasting to put it in the Gospels.

“He also engineered situations where he could show it off, which is why he was always waist-deep in the Sea of Galilee. ‘Hey, who’s up for skinny-dipping?’ he’d shout. Pathetic really.”

Pope Francis said: “Nothing in scripture categorically states Jesus was not slinging a major lizard, so by our odd standards that proves the Shroud of Turin is authentic.

“Whether it ever got him laid is unclear. The only woman who features prominently in his adult life is Mary Magdalene, a known prostitute, so it looks like no ordinary woman was prepared to go near the beast.”