A MAN feels it is his duty to neck the rest of the six-pack after opening a single can of lager.
Having cracked open his first can of Grolsch, Martin Bishop has somehow reached the conclusion that not opening the other five – which will safely keep for another 24 months – would cause them to ‘go to waste’.
Eyeing up the remaining cans, Bishop said: “Anyone who knows me knows that I hate to leave a job half-finished. Mark my words – these cans will not survive the evening.
“Now that I’ve broken the seal on one of them, there’s a risk the others will grow mould and become toxic. Can we be sure they won’t? I’m not a f**king scientist so it’s best to play it safe and polish them off.
“Let’s face it, the evening’s only going one way, and that’s me ending up face down on the sofa when I’ve responsibly taken the decision not to waste a further six cans.”
Wife Margaret Bishop said: “He thinks you’re supposed to drink them all in one go because they sell them together like that. It’s not Grolsch’s fault he’s an imbecile.
“You should see him working his way through the entirety of a multipack of crisps. I’m sure he’ll try putting on all six condoms in a packet one of these days. Which should be interesting when you factor in the brewer’s droop.”