Friends suspect woman not drinking at wedding is hungover

GIGGLING friends suspect a woman, aged 33 and newly married, is refusing all alcohol because she is in a delicate condition after an epic session. 

Francesca Johnson grimaced when offered champagne, gently groaned as toasts to the happy couple were made, and frequently popped to the bathroom, returning grey-faced and unable to eat.

Bridesmaid Nikki Hollis said: “Don’t look now, but she just covertly knocked back an ibuprofen. Dead giveaway.

“Wearing sunglasses and massaging her forehead? Husband treating her protectively as though she was a precious bloom? Retching a bit during the speeches? Who do you think you’re fooling.

“She’s playing it like she might be pregnant for the bride’s benefit which is nice, because nobody should upstage on her special day by managing it on four hours’ sleep. This is meant to be about her, not two-for-one cocktails at the Slug & Lettuce.”

Best man Tom Booker said: “Francesca’s hungover? Didn’t notice. Haven’t seen her. Don’t know where she was last night.”

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We ask you: why are Trump supporters pretending they have head injuries?

TRUMP backers at the Republican national convention copied their hero by wearing bandages on their heads. What is wrong with them? 

Norm Steele, pawnbroker: “They’ve confused injuries and brain injuries. Because they have brain injuries.”

Helen Archer, volleyball instructor: “If this was a film, they’d all have an implant inserted into their brains which controls them or blows them up or both. But nothing about Trump could ever be ludicrous or far-fetched.”

Steve Malley, archaeology professor: “Can we be sure they’re not experimenting with trepanation?”

Hannah Tomlinson, landlady: “Biden fans should hit back by dressing as doddery old men who can’t climb stairs or finish sentences.”

Mary Fisher, sandwich artist: “Truss was there, can we check if she saw it? It could be what finally breaks her.”