ONCE you are half-cut we ramp up the price without you noticing, bartenders have confirmed.
Drunkards are so out of it after the fourth pint they will hand over double the asking price of a round of drinks with no questions asked.
Barmaid Nikki Hollis said: “If you’ve ever wondered where your money disappears to after a night out, now you know.
“By the time they’re staggering over for the fifth pint most people have long forgotten the going rate for a pint of Carlsberg, which is grossly overpriced to begin with.
“The hardest part is controlling ourselves as it would be easy to chuck an extra 50 quid onto a round. Of course, the rules change if they’re still buying drinks after the 10th pint. We call that ‘open season’.”
Covent Garden-based barfly Nathan Muir said: “£38 for a pint of London Pride? Bargain.”