THE only thing better than seeing a dog is seeing a dog in a place you didn’t expect so you can say to whoever you’re with: ‘Look, a dog!’ Here are the most thrilling locations.
The train
When passengers try to wedge themselves onto your morning commuter train, they are inconsiderate shitheads. Unless one of them is a dog, in which case everyone needs to clear a path for the owner of this sweet, darling princess, and let her sit next to you.
The airport
A highlight for sure, as everyone can point and go: ‘Look at that good boy doing his job!’ It doesn’t matter that this crazed, cocaine-obsessed spaniel has no concept of what a ‘job’ is – he’s wearing a little uniform!
A passing car
Seeing some wanker speed past you in the left-hand lane is rage-inducing. Realising there’s a dog in the car, maybe even sat upright in the passenger seat like a proper person? Pure gold.
Even for non-dog people, there’s no thrill quite like the anarchy a dog in the office will bring. Who will it bark at? Where will it throw up? And, most importantly, how long will it be before another company-wide email is sent about only bringing in animals that are toilet trained?
The pub
Pubs aren’t exactly boring places, but adding a furry friend can only take them to an even higher level. Especially as the dog will inevitably end up being offered a bit of someone’s pint, which will be the funniest thing to happen all evening, and possibly in the entire lives of the regulars.
The school playground
Last but not least, there is no more formative experience in a child’s life than a loose dog wandering into the playground. Not only is it a dog, it brings a manic energy, with teachers and dinner ladies falling over each other trying to chase the pup down. Truly a moment for the history books.