Highbrow Australia indifferent to Olympics success

AUSTRALIA are fourth in the Olympic medal table despite the country’s disdain for any activity that emphasises physical achievement over intellectual prowess. 

The nation’s lack of concern for competition with other nations, particularly Britain, is also cited as a factor.

Analyst Denys Finch Hatton said: “Most countries would be delighted with a haul of 19 medals but not the Australians, a people dedicated to the life of the mind who rarely travel beyond their own shores.

“Until 1996, ‘rough sports’, a category which included rugby, surfing and cricket, were banned in the Australian constitution as it was feared that they may distract young people from their studies of vers libre, dodecaphonic composition and ethnological art.

“Those laws were repealed but only to introduce Australian Rules Football, a watered-down version of the game which according to players is more like a mixture of chess and expressive dance.

“Given how much the average Australian male would far prefer to engage in a discussion on the finer points of Mallarmé or Euripides than bandy remarks on uncouth ball games, it’s astonishing they’ve won any medals at all.”

Ex-pat Bill McKay said: “Being a sports fan in Australia is incredibly lonely. There’s more to life than the intellect but try telling that to a pub full of blokes in Queensland.

“To them, physical competition and noisy collective celebration are insignificant. But dare voice a negative opinion of the novels of Anita Brookner and they’ll knock you f**king down.”

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How to look like a millennial who doesn't give a f**k about looking like Gen Z

WANT to look like a person in their 30s and 40s with no interest in dressing like the younger generation? Here’s how.

Sneer at your phone

Chances are your social media algorithm is spamming your feed with exhausting fashion advice from people who can’t even remember 9/11. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Instead flaunt your utter contempt for their youthful optimism with a hearty sneer. You’re not jealous about no longer being the cool, young demographic at the centre of pop culture anymore. Not at all.

Spend your clothes budget on bills and rent

You could spunk your meagre income on thrifted clothes, wide jeans and pleated skirts. Or you could be a massive rebel and stick it to Gen Z by paying for your bills in your five-person house share. It may not be very brat of you, but you’re getting on a bit now and you have nothing to show for it. Don’t call this behaviour adult-core, you’ll only be playing into their hands.

Keep your side parting

The time for dicking about with your hair has long passed. You need to ride out whatever style you’re currently rocking until the grave or it all falls out. This means sticking with your side parting if your barber gave you one and you were too shy to say you didn’t like it. Wait a couple of years and you’ll probably be down with Gen Alpha anyway.

Wear whatever socks you want, life is too short to be hung upon this shit

Do Gen Z prefer knee-high socks or do they love low-cut ankle socks? It doesn’t matter. Wear whatever is clean in your sock drawer and focus on more important things in life, like absolutely anything else. You’ve only got roughly another 30 years on the clock so don’t waste another second on this trivial bollocks.

Adhere strictly to society’s gender norms

There’s no stronger way to communicate that you do not care about looking like Gen Z than by wearing a suit if you’re a man or a floral summer dress if you’re a woman. Pair these with an accessory like a heterosexual partner and you’ll be powerfully subverting the aesthetics of young people. You’ll also have morphed into everything you railed against as a teen but you no longer care.