Your astrological week ahead for March 1st, with Psychic Bob

Aries, March 21st–April 19th

Neighbours got an England flag up? Shin up the pole at night, replace it with the flag of Papua New Guinea and enjoy the muddled racist frenzy as they try to work out who did it.

Taurus, April 20th–May 20th

You can’t see why your mate’s so upset. He wanted to spend his stag partying naked and pissed in Amsterdam’s most famous tourist spot, and TripAdvisor was perfectly clear that’s the Anne Frank Huis.

Gemini, May 21st–June 21st

“And… yeah. Ten quid on Beyonce’s next album being mid-80s Postcard Records indie jangle-pop. At 18 to one.”

Cancer, June 22nd–July 22nd

Half a pint, a quarter pounder, and the first eighth of a porno film. Perfect evening.

Leo, July 23rd–August 22nd

There was a time of two Popes. Therefore, if this one dies, there’s a risk that it’ll be like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and two new Popes will be summoned.

Virgo, August 23rd–September 22nd

Shrimp hunt in packs. What? You don’t know. You don’t know f**king anything about shrimp.

Libra, September 23rd–October 22nd

“The couple have chose to write their own wedding vows, although I’m now just noticing it’s the entire lyrics of Eminem’s Lose Yourself.”

Scorpio, October 23rd–November 22nd

Are you a fly-tipped sofa? Because you have fine written all over you and you’re built like a sofa.

Sagittarius, November 22nd–December 21st

Shakira’s hips do not lie, but her titties never tell the truth. You have one question.

Capricorn, December 22nd–January 19th

Still don’t understand why there isn’t a wildly successful ITV daytime quiz called Furloughed hosted by, I dunno, is Chris Kamara free?

Aquarius, January 20th–February 18th

Yes, we have no bananas. But we do have plantains, which are similar.

Pisces, February 19th–March 20th

All they’d have to do is make biopic films of the right bands – A-ha, Duran Duran, Wham! – and that counts as a Look-In cinematic universe.

The Archbishop of Canterbury on... Tate, very much Trump's kind of evil twat

WAKING up with a hangover almost, if not quite, the size of Rotterdam, I vomit in an elegant plume and reflect on my contribution to the betterment of mankind this week. 

I feel that with the election of Mr Trump and the rise of the far-right and dubious billionaires, the world is in danger of losing its moral compass. I therefore devised, for immediate dissemination across the kingdom, a series of exhortations which can be reduced to easy-to-remember acronyms. They are as follows.

BFK – Be Fucking Kind

PYTYGT – Pay Your Taxes You Greedy Twats

GNFUSIUTU – God’s No Fucking Use So It’s Up To Us!

DBACTPATWBACBTY – Don’t Be A Cunt To People And They Won’t Be A Cunt Back To You!

MSHWHAGHWI: Men, Stop Harassing Women, Have A Good Hard Wank Instead!

FEMWTROEOABFCL – Fuck Elon Musk With The Ripped Off End Of A Broken Fucking Chair Leg!

It is my conviction that if humanity were to observe these tenets then peace and reason could be restored to their respective thrones.

Satisfied that I have done my bit, I take a light breakfast and peruse a periodical. Therein I read that home secretary Yvette Cooper has blamed a rise in crime in certain areas on a lack of police. 

Fuck a tethered goat, you think? So a bunch of ne’er-do-wells in hooped jerseys with bags marked ‘SWAG’ are running amok because there are no coppers to foil their capers? It’s definitely nothing to do with a rise in poverty leading to depressing stats like more thefts of Calpol so mothers can medicate their fucking kids? I wonder just what is the point of you chocolate fucking teapots going under the name of Labour if you don’t intend to do anything except ride around in ministerial cars! Still, you can always do a ‘clampdown’ on these criminal masterminds living it up with their stolen bread and formula milk!

Political activist Darren Grimes has posted a black and white photo of neighbourly white folk in bygone times on Twitter. ‘Back then, we didn’t have much. Life was hard, work was dangerous and times were tough. But my God at least we had each other – the country was united. In my lifetime that has been thoroughly lost,’ he opined. Grimes was born in 1993.

Fuck, man, you’re fucking 31! When was ‘back then’? Some distant historical year like 2012? You can bet he means ‘before the recent rise in immigration’. Because let’s face it, this is all about fucking immigration, isn’t it? Ah yes, 2012, when tousle-haired kids played with hoops in the back alleys while mother scrubbed the doorstep and father was returning cheerfully from a 14-hour shift at the mine, thirsty for a mug of tea and a supper of bread and dripping! I fucking remember it well! Get to fuck you rancid little twat!

In an article in the Jewish Chronicle, Melanie Phillips has argued: ‘If you support the Palestinian cause in any form, you’re facilitating Jew hate.’

What can we say, Mel? There’s the cannon, there’s the fucking sea, there’s the self-firing mechanism. You know what to do. Yes, it’s Phillips’ entire bullshit argument in a nutshell: any opinion except ‘Israel is right’ is antisemitic. To be honest it’s par for the fucking course for ‘Mad Mel’, the mystery is why she’s still employed by the BBC rather than wandering around precincts barking randomly at fucking strangers! 

Finally, thanks to his travel ban being suspended, Andrew Tate has arrived in Florida from Romania, where he faces trial on charges of rape, sex with a minor, people trafficking and money laundering.

Yeah, and he’ll be returning to Romania for the trial, like the good little boy he is, no doubt about that! It’s obvious which orange monstrosity is connected to this, with his habit of liberating right-wing nutcases and elevating the world’s fucking Batman villains! Maybe Tate can be secretary of state for women’s affairs? Seriously, Donald, I know your plan is to visit evil on the world because you were once roasted by Obama, but could you be a bit more fucking subtle about it? Less like a comic book villain I used to read about when I was fucking eight years old? The Emperor from Star Wars, with his black robe, hideously disfigured face and penchant for evil cackling, is more fucking nuanced!