You know what, maybe I'll concentrate on representing the people of Clacton

By Nigel Farage, Reform UK leader and member for Clacton

AMERICA’S a bit of a no-go. Europe hates me. Best not mention Russia. It seems it is time to dedicate myself to the good people of Clacton. 

Yes, when your political career has, through no fault of your own, taken a few unexpected turns and all your positives become negatives, there’s always your constituency to fall back on. I feel like a Tory caught in a sex scandal! ‘My wife’s standing by me’!

First my long-expressed admiration for Putin rebounds on me, which is unfair. I just liked him in a manly, gay-persecuting, no-nonsense approach to political opposition kind of a way. I never liked Salisbury Nerve Agent Putin or Invasion Putin.

And then Trump – who I went to great efforts to associate myself with, often against his will – becomes a political liability. And because of Putin! What are the chances? And here’s me, stuck in the middle with the British people.

Even my photo opportunity with Musk didn’t work out. He was going to give me £100 million to win the next election, but unfortunately he’s been corrupted by far-right propaganda online. Such a shame when that happens.

So here I am with five MPs under a left-wing government, American an enemy, Brexit a dirty word, the whole country locked into economic and military co-operation with Europe for years to come. Almost as if everything I worked for has vanished.

But then I remembered. Clacton! They still believe in me there. They don’t pay attention to geopolitics. And technically, as their MP, I actually have a job to do!

So if my constituents need me I’ll be in the Moon and Starfish on the seafront, in the smoking area, with a pint. Clacton. So it’s come to this.

Man's attempt to get dumped reveals how low bar could have been all along

A MAN trying to get his girlfriend to dump him has only now realised how bad his behaviour could have been throughout the relationship. 

Tom Logan, aged 23, decided that to avoid an awkward break-up he would simply be an arsehole and wait for 22-year-old Sophie Rodriguez to ditch him, but has instead discovered their love is without a floor.

He said: “Soph’s boring but I can’t stand tears so I’ve been going the gentleman’s way by treating her like shit until she takes the initiative and ends it. That way she keeps her self-respect.

“But no matter what I do – ignore her texts, forget her birthday, stand her up for dates, say ‘yeah, not exactly gold standard’ after sex – she clings on and says nothing. I feel awful. To think, I could have been doing this the whole time.

“All that time and effort wasted doing what she wants when I could have spent the whole night playing FIFA and she’s fine with it. All that pointless foreplay.

“I was only letting her down gently because I slept with her friend Sandra, but now I’m wondering if Sophie isn’t the better deal?”

Rodriguez said: “Everyone says relationships are hard and need to be worked at, so I am. That’s good, isn’t it?”