YEAH, that Owen Jones? Writes for the Guardian? He’s leaving Labour, I know because I was on a table seat with him, Stockport to London. Never f**king shut up.
Resigned his membership and everything, so that’s £5.71 a month they won’t be getting. But in case they fail to notice that very clear signal and don’t send Starmer straight round to ask ‘Why, Owen, why?’ he’s telling everyone, at bloody length.
So why is he leaving? Dunno. He spent most of the time from Macclesfield to Stoke-on-Trent banging on about his family history and how Labour they all were. Funny to think it ends with a bloke who’s a regular guest on the fascist pensioner’s favourite show, Jeremy Vine on 5.
Then from Stoke to Milton Kenyes he was on about the 2017 election manifesto and the promises made and broken and carefully never once mentioned Corbyn. Unless he did when I went the onboard shop for a BLT and a latte because I needed a f**king break.
Mind you he was still on about it when I got back seven quid lighter. Then he moved on to Gaza and Christ, I never thought I’d be nostalgic to hear the squeaky prick banging on about ‘fiscal rules’ but I very soon was.
We’d passed Watford by the time he stopped for a breath. I said ‘Come on, Owen. Truth is you thought Jeremy was the second coming of socialism but Britain hated the twat. Accept it and move on.’
I’ll keep my gob shut next time. He was still in full flow as I hurried away down the platform at Euston. Anyway, if anyone from Labour’s reading this, he’s pissed off. Pass it on.