LOCAL Conservative councillors have done nothing wrong, so will you vengefully punish them for the sins of the national party in local elections tomorrow?
Eleanor Shaw, charity head: “Sometimes you’ve got to hurt the innocent as a lesson to the guilty, and if the Tories don’t agree they should stop backing Israel.”
Martin Bishop, landscaper: “The head of our local Tory council is a lovely, principled man. Abhors immigrants, pro-death penalty for drug offences, hates the poor. But he can’t have my vote because the government’s let him down.”
Margaret Gerving, retired headteacher: “If you couldn’t use votes to punish people you hate for wildly misguided reasons democracy would never have taken off.”
Susan Traherne, cello teacher: “It’s senseless and vicious. I only hope those poor councillors have been able to buy 400 acres of local authority land for £1 as deserved compensation.”
Lucy Parry, eyebrow threader: “Where else am I to slake my anger democratically, now Euro MPs have gone?”