THE government has urged the House of Lords to act less democratically, or possibly more so.
After the upper house voted against taking £1300 away from poor people, the government claimed that unelected politicians disagreeing with something the Conservative Party lied about was morally wrong.
Chancellor George Osborne said: “On the one hand, we promised the quarter of the electorate that actually voted for us that we wouldn’t do this, which doesn’t seem terribly democratic in the first place.
“But having a bunch of people nobody voted for stopping us from doing whatever we like doesn’t seem fair, either.
“It’s all dreadfully complicated, or blindingly simple. One of the two.”
He also stressed that him trying to dodge a Commons debate and the Lords acting entirely within their remit brought up constitutional issues that he had not quite worked out yet.
Labour supporter Wayne Hayes added: “It’s a great day for an institution I think should be abolished and proof that the fatally flawed, undemocratic system works.”