A TRIP to her father’s place of work has offered a young girl a terrifying taste of the mediocre existence she will have as an adult.
Six-year-old Lucy O’Connor was excited to swing on swivel chairs and play in a lift, but instead was greeted with sad people sitting in deathly silence behind computers from the last century.
Father Oliver O’Connor said: “We popped in for the morning as we had a childcare issue but Lucy was bored within ten minutes. There’s only so much time Excel chart colours can entertain a kid with a Nintendo Switch at home.
“She said the office made her feel sad inside, like a black cloud, and I nearly wept myself at her simple childish wisdom. She better make something of herself and not waste her time on an art history degree that inevitably leads to a job in IT sales.
“I don’t want her to find out that the only fun bit of my job is taking an extra-long shit while scrolling my phone. That’s not inspiring for a kid. Oh well, only three decades left to go.”
Parry said: “It was more boring than school and they don’t even have a playground, so I’ve decided I’m not going to grow up. Also, why was everything grey, including the people?”