Woman using her wedding photo on Tinder 'probably not ready to be dating yet'

A WOMAN has put one of her wedding photos on her Tinder profile, fuelling speculation that she is not yet fully over her ex.

Donna Sheridan, split from husband, Roy, two years ago and decided to try out the dating app after friends said it ‘might be time to move on’.

Sheridan said: “I looked really nice in those pictures. That’s all it was.

I’m in no way imagining my ex stumbling across me on Tinder and seeing me in that beautiful dress and remembering clearly the vows we made to stay with each other until death do us part on that sunny day in July not that long ago.

And it’s not like it’s my main picture.

My main picture is me throwing darts at a picture of Roy dancing with that whore in Majorca, that I lifted off his Facebook.”

Sheridan’s friend, Nikki Hollis added: “I told her it might be time to move on, which she took as time to move onto another level of hating her ex and letting the whole world know about it.”




Corbyn incompetence just to wind up Owen Smith

WITH his re-election as Labour leader a certainty, Jeremy Corbyn has admitted he is only performing hopelessly to annoy rival Owen Smith. 

The 67-year-old plans to follow up a day spent making jam while being oblivious to an unfolding scandal with a succession of blundering stunts which will not give his opponent a single vote.

He said: “Fingers crossed I’ve already got this year’s conference cancelled with a mixture of principled opposition and doddery dithering, but that’s just the start.

“I’m going to address tonight’s rally in Dundee facing the wrong way, spend a televised hustings failing to understand that my microphone’s broken, and when the entire Tory cabinet resigns in September I will be sorting out old folk records in the attic for three days.

“Next weekend I’m off to Iran with George Galloway, where we’ll both be photographed in full Arab robes smoking a hookah pipe.

“What kind of appalling political suicide case would do something like that? A political suicide case who’s going to beat Owen Smith by ten clear percentage points, that’s who.”