AN online petition is being shared amongst social media users in a desperate plea for signatures as if it will lead to any f**king change whatsoever.
The petition, which is currently being shared by people who didn’t even click on it, is giving the misguided impression it will fix the world’s biggest and most complicated problems once it hits a million signatures.
Petition retweeter Lauren Hewitt said: “I’ve cared about this petition very deeply ever since I first learned about it five minutes ago. So if you don’t blindly sign it and share it with your friends I’ll mentally blacklist you as a heartless monster.
“Don’t you know that if a million people sign a petition then they have to debate it in the House of Commons? That’s people power in action, and by signing it you don’t actually have to do anything meaningful. Talk about a win-win.”
Hewitt’s friend Tom Booker said: “These things are a well-meaning but pointless gesture. Politicians bring them up then reject them within a matter of seconds, then they get back to the important business of trading crap insults.
“Everything’s beyond our control and we’re all totally, utterly f**ked. You’ll feel so much better about the world once you accept that.”