Personal data is bollocks because you're all liars or idiots, confirm internet companies

THE personal data collected over the internet is all bollocks, it has finally been admitted.

Internet companies confirmed that all data held on users is ‘toss’, explaining why people get random adverts for things they have no use for, such as butt plugs, carpet adhesive and John Bishop DVDs.

Tom Booker, of Globex Analytics, said: “All our information is crap because people are either liars, totally inconsistent or thick bastards who can’t remember if they like bananas or not.

“Someone might complain about only meeting weird guys on, then the next week you discover she’s into Wicca and Britain First. That’s just how people are. Bellends.

“We’ve been lying about how valuable our information is because otherwise we’d be skint and the Guardian wouldn’t be able to fret about ‘big data’ every week.”

Social network CEO Donna Sheridan said: “All online surveys are bullshit because people respond according to what they think they’re like, rather than the twats they really are.

“As a result we’ve got trillions of gigabytes of low-quality data you couldn’t use to accurately predict whether someone dislikes being hit in the face with a spanner.

“No one will admit they’re a grumpy, overweight sod who hates people, although I wish they did because we could sell it to companies recruiting bus drivers.”

Are you meant to be together, or have you just signed a two-year lease on a flat?

ARE you and partner destined to be together or have you just signed a legally-binding rent contract? Take our test to find out.

Do you love your partner unconditionally?

A. Yes. I would do anything for them. 

B. I think in every relationship it’s healthy to be open to bailing if someone better comes along.

What’s the most appealing thing about moving in together?

A. I spend all my time with them anyway and it feels like the next logical step.


Do you have a back-up plan in case this all goes to shit?

A. I don’t need one. I love my partner.

B. No. Fuck. Tell me more about back-up plans.

Is there any chance you’re just doing this to get away from your parents?

A. No, I have a very healthy relationship with my parents.

B. How did you know I hate my dad?!

Mostly As: You really love your partner and are moving in for the right reasons. Statistically speaking it probably won’t last but good luck.

Mostly Bs: You’ve expressed serious lingering doubts which you need to discuss. But, then again, living a lie is definitely better than living alone in a ‘studio flat’ above a kebab shop. So just do it anyway.