SCIENTISTS who invented the world's most powerful laser have used it to draw a giant penis on the front of the moon.
Project leader Professor Mark Hadley said the Vulcan Laser produced a pencil thin light beam hotter than the Sun and took just 30 minutes to burn the 2000-mile high penis onto the moon's surface.
It is the largest obscenity to be drawn in space since Apollo 16 Commander John Young used the Lunar Rover to spell out 'BUZZ ALDRIN SHAGS ARSES' on the Descartes Highlands in 1972.
Professor Hadley, chief scientist at the National Laser Institute, said: "It cost £500 million to develop and is the result of unprecedented co-operation between government, academia and industry.
"It could open the door to nuclear fusion and unlimited amounts of pollution free energy, or enable us to discover exactly what happened in the split second before the Big Bang.
"But instead we're going it use it to draw big fat cocks on the Moon."
Russia was the first country to write a profanity on the Moon when it crashed the unmanned Luna-2 craft into the Mare Serenitatis in 1959 and left the message 'Ha, Ha, Fuck You Esienhower'.
Neil Armstrong is the first man to write grafitti in space. Close examination of photographs from the Apollo 11 landing show the astronaut scrawled the words 'moon my arse' on the front of his landing craft.