A BOYFRIEND is embarking on his fourth day of performing cunnilingus on a partner who believes she is almost there.
Jack Browne began the sex act on girlfriend Hannah Tomlinson on Friday, expecting his oral skills to deliver a climax within minutes, but more than 72 hours later is still hard at work with no end in sight.
He said: “I only did it to be polite. I assumed after a few minutes she’d either hit incredible new heights of pleasure or fake it so I could give up.
“But we’re clearly in this for the long haul. My tongue feels like sandpaper. I’m on a drip for vital nutrients and I’ve lost count of the number of YouTube tutorials I’ve tried to follow.
“I feel bad for the St John’s Ambulance crew standing by, but they’re as much for the crowd as they are for me. We tried clapping to encourage her like when you try to get a band on at a festival, but that didn’t work.
“She’s making some very promising noises, but I’ve fallen for that before on Saturday morning, afternoon, evening, the small hours of Sunday morning and last night during Celebrity Bake-Off. Please God let it be the real thing this time.”
Tomlinson said: “He could try around the clitoris?”