How to cope when you're still single and George Osborne is married

STILL on the shelf while George Osborne, of all the wankers, is happily married? Lie to yourself that this doesn’t reflect badly on you:

Be thankful you’re not him

Yes, George Osborne is now legally married but austerity led to the suffering of millions and you haven’t got that weighing on your conscience. You can sleep easy, and not just because you get the whole duvet. You didn’t drive children into poverty and cut all NHS pandemic preparation so who’s the winner now, Osborne?

Embrace your freedom

George Osborne’s days of cocaine and call-girls are over, while yours are yet to begin. You’ve got no missus or national media to worry about. It might be a mere narcotics-and-sex sticking-plaster over the emotional void in your heart, but most married people seem miserable too so it’s swings and roundabouts.

Make a list of your attractive qualities

Drawing a blank? Write down your greatest quality of all: you’re not George Osborne. You weren’t booed by a crowd of thousands at the London Olympics. You won’t be remembered by history as a morally bankrupt shithead who ran the economy into the ground while lining your own pockets. In comparison you’re an Adonis.

Resort to statistics

Cheer yourself up by remembering that George Osborne’s marriage flying to bits is a mathematical probability and he’ll have divorce papers, legalities to sort out, Just Stop Oil turning up at the decree nisi etcetera. You might not have love, but you haven’t got that shit in your future. If anything Osborne’s envious of you.

Re-read that email

Of course only wedding guests have seen the email and it’s impossible to find online. Anyway the media’s more interested in a BBC scandal about a man having inappropriate sexual contact with a teenager, which is terrible. But if you did happen across the contents of the email, you’d definitely feel grateful that you’re not him. And have never met him.

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Young woman thinks older male colleague is 'being nice'

A 23-YEAR-OLD woman believes that her 40-year-old male colleague who is acting as a friend and mentor is acting out of simple kindness. 

Lauren Hewitt was befriended by Wayne Hayes in her first week of work, even though he is a senior manager and she is a digital customer services assistant on a modern apprenticeship.

She said: “Wayne is such a sweetheart. He asks me to lunch every day because he couldn’t bear to think of me eating alone at my desk.

“He’s taken a real interest in my career and what I want to do in future, especially next Friday evening, and is always asking about where I go out and my friends and what they look like.

“He makes sure I’m invited to work drinks and feel included, he takes time to text me even in the evenings, and if I’m unsure of what I’m doing he’ll always come and stand behind my chair and put his hand over mine to guide my mouse.

“Best of all, I know he can’t possibly think there’s anything romantic between us because he’s 17 years older and married with three kids. It’s just from the goodness of his heart.”

Hayes said: “She’s so right. I’m just being nice. It’s nothing to do with her looking like the girlfriend I had at 20 that I’ve never got over.”