Couple's date night is staying in, getting pissed and shagging

A COUPLE have created their own version of date night where they do not go out in favour of drinking alcohol then having sex.

Lucy Parry and Jack Browne had previously spent date nights trailing to restaurants or theatres before they decided to trim the fat, cut the formalities and skip straight to the good bit where they f**k.

Parry said: “Everyone knows what date night’s about, yeah? Underneath all the bullshit?

“One night we had tickets for Pretty Woman: The Musical which got cancelled but we were already dressed up, so we drank two bottles of champagne by candlelight then spent the rest of the evening rutting like beasts up against the furniture.

“It was one of the best nights of our relationship, and not just because we didn’t have to watch Pretty Woman: The Musical. So next date night we did it again.”

Browne said: “By allowing the most important elements of the evening – intoxication, fornication, and the combination thereof – room to breathe you’re saving money, time and the wearying pretence this is about anything other than banging away until mutual orgasm.

“Why would we want to go out and do paid-for activities together? We’ve got mates for that.”

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Starmer: I will put a flare up my arse for final

THE prime minister has promised to celebrate England reaching the Euros final by putting a lit flare in his anus.

Sir Keir Starmer feels the strongly-not-recommended act is the best way to express his love for his country, the England team, and looking like a normal, football-loving bloke you would definitely vote for again.

He said: “There is no nobler sacrifice for your country than suffering third-degree burns to your bumhole from a flare clearly labelled ‘For maritime use only’. 

“I will wedge it in firmly, leaving me bent over uncomfortably but proudly. Then my pasty arse will serve as a literal beacon leading England to ever-greater footballing achievements, like not leaving every match to a random penalty shoot-out.

“I’ll be sure to leave a good clearance between my buttocks and the burning bit. It’s important to insert tubes of white-hot magnesium into your rectum responsibly.”

England manager Gareth Southgate said: “It’s well-known in the game that fans putting a flare up their arse has a tangible, measurable effect on performance. Every damaged sphincter adds 12 millimetres to how high Jude Bellingham can jump for a header. 

“I appreciate Starmer’s support, but I’ve already got a winning strategy based on waiting to be awarded utterly baffling penalties out of absolutely f**king nowhere.”