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We ask you: is Rishi Sunak right to scrap 'rip-off degrees'?

THE prime minister has pledged to replace ‘rip-off degrees’ with high-skilled apprenticeships if he wins the election. Is it a good idea?

Stephen Malley, Conservative voter: “Which will make life more miserable for young people? Stopping them going into higher education or saddling them with lifelong debt? Let’s choose the worst option.”

Sophie Rodriguez, GCSE student: ‘They’re both useless. Once AI has killed the job market, I’ll be scrambling like a rabid dog for scraps of food from bins. Or maybe I’ll be an influencer.”

Roy Hobbs, retired: “Why do they even need an apprenticeship, the spoiled little layabouts? If only we had some coal mines left to send them down.”

Lucy Phipps, unemployed: “It’s insulting to describe some degrees as being a ‘rip-off’. I may have struggled a bit to get a job after doing a degree in floral design, but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth paying £40k for.”

Wayne Hayes, plumber: “I think he should keep the rip-off degrees. Means more over-educated, impractical twats for me to rinse when they need a washer changing.”