A PHILOSOPHER writing for the Guardian who has proposed that Britons take a ‘holiday of the mind’ clearly needs to f**k off.
Denys Finch Hatton suggested that rather than fly to a beautiful sunny island with white sand beaches everyone can simply sit cross-legged and take a spiritual journey instead, the wanker.
Guardian reader Helen Archer said: “He said – he genuinely said – that sitting in a room of the house and ‘really observing it for the first time’ and noticing light and thinking of stuff I was grateful for could be as good as a fortnight in Sardinia.
“‘Travel is a state of mind’, he said. Somebody slap the arsehole in a maximum security jail then, and we’ll all watch the happy look on his face as he journeys within.
“Generally I read the Guardian because I’m reasonable and left wing but I now realise, in terms of holidays, I might as well be reading the Sun.
“I need an actual holiday experienced by my body. You know, one with sunshine, alcohol and as little engagement from my mind as possible.”