MILK. Four pints of green-capped, semi-skimmed, bog-standard milk, so no need for a shopping list. Except here’s what you left with instead:
You didn’t absolutely need cake, but you didn’t know that Jaffa Cake Donuts existed until 15 seconds ago. On a discount. And you’ve got Wagon Wheels and Jammie Dodgers to complete the set, perfect to go with that milk.
You’ve fancied soup recently, with the nights drawing in. Is there a chance you’ve already had this same thought seven times in three weeks and you have six tins at home? Maybe.
Now these you definitely needed, for the TV remote. Lucky you stumbled across them while looking for that other thing. You’re not confident of whether you need double or triple As, but it’ll be fine. 50/50 chance.
Something from the Whoops!
Spinach? Hot cross buns? A mini trampoline from the weird middle aisle? Whatever it was, you were indefensible to the magnetic power of the little yellow sticker. If it’s reduced to 53p, it’s a necessity.
You haven’t had a Babybel in years. They still have that wax on that everyone used to throw at each other at school. Go on, since you’re in the dairy aisle, pick some up. And they’re healthy so it counterbalances the cakes. Now what was it..?
Breakfast, you needed to sort breakfast for tomorrow. So you’ve got a box of Crunchy Nut. And that’s definitely all that you needed, because that will be a simple, easy, single-ingredient breakfast.