Saudi Arabia only counts as neutral ground if you're a bastard

SAUDI Arabia can only be considered neutral group for peace talks if your definition of neutrality encompasses murdering journalists, claim commentators. 

US-Russian peace talks over the Ukraine war began today in Saudi Arabia, which in terms of preventing unnecessary bloodshed and promoting democracy is not a flawless host.

International observer Dr Helen Archer said: “There’s something about a dictatorship meeting a superpower-turned-ugly on the territory of an oil-rich nation ruled by an absolute monarchy that doesn’t sit quite right.

“Like when Reagan met Gorbachev it was in Reykjavik which makes sense, because nobody wants trouble less than Iceland. They’re the first country kicked in the nuts when war breaks out.

“But Saudi Arabia? Murders journalists in its actual embassy, kidnaps princesses, runs a horribly repressive religious regime and imprisons rape victims. ‘Neutral’ isn’t the first word I’d reach for.

“I’m just concerned that, in this atmosphere, proposals like ‘Russia keeps 19 per cent of Ukraine and in return, the US takes all its mineral wealth’ will seem reasonable, you know? Like King Salman will say ‘this is most merciful and kind’ then order lunch.”

She added: “Though obviously it’s the ideal location to hold a World Cup. All that searing heat and sand.”

Alcohol the load-bearing element of friendship, man discovers

A MAN cutting out alcohol has realised that without it, his friendships are an awful lot of work. 

Nathan Muir met old pal Tom Booker for an evening and discovered that without a reassuring pint in hand, their hang had all the structural stability of a 19th-century hovel hit by a 21st-century missile.

Muir said: “Who knew three hours was such a long time? Such a chasm of time.

“Without the social lubricant of Kronenbourg there’s no conversation, there’s no laughter, there’s no bond. It’s like waiting for a bus that never comes with an awkward, shifty stranger.

“It’s not as if we were always previously on the lash. But even for afternoon beers we’d discuss the price of a pint, the merits of IPAs over lagers, how shit the barman had poured the head. I tried to comment on the chips, but it wasn’t the same.

“The thunk on dart on dartboard, in what would have been a companionable silence if only I’d been pissed, sounded like my life ticking heavily away. It’s true what they say: man’s only friend is the bottle.”

He added: “But I need to lose a stone to get down to a weight that makes me competitive on Tinder so I’m sticking with it.”